CHIKITING BASURA PROGRAM is a one-day, creative, lecture-discussion, classroom-based program spearheaded by the Ateneo de Zambanga-School of Medicine 2nd year students.
This program, which was implemented last October 2014 at Goaw Elementary School and Goaw Daycare Center, aims to raise the awareness, and consciousness of pre-school and school-aged children regarding proper solid waste segregation.
This activity is one of the group’s strategies in answering one of Barangay Goaw’s most obvious environmental problems: lack of proper solid waste segregating practices.
Through instilling knowledge regarding proper solid waste disposal and waste segregation among the ‘future generations’ of Goaw, we are one step closer in accomplishing the overall goal of decreasing the number of households who do not practice waste segregation in the Barangay by year 2017.